Saturday 13 March 2010

Futsal disappointment.

What is it about football in this country?

I spent all of yesterday watching the BUCS futsal championships in Sheffield and left wondering how we in this country had managed to take a game that is made for skills, flicks and tricks, and end up with a display of what can only be described as largely tedious mini football.

Most of the games consisted of teams passing it back and across the defenders for a bit then trying a long shot from the wings, hoping for a deflection.

There was a lack of intent to run and try to beat players or to try something that was even vaguely away from the pretty bland script that seemed to be set out by the coaches.

I understand that there was a desire to win but I was disappointed and a little bored.

We notoriously struggle to produce players with the flair of the South Americans and futsal has been put forward as a way of countering that. It is small sided football, played indoors with a weighted ball that puts an emphasis on touch and control. It is not going to help create a new generation of footballers if those playing it end up playing it the way I saw it played yesterday.

Anyway, slight rant over and back to today. As I write this I am sat at the EIS watching the athletics heats and semis before I head over Don Valley for the finals of the boxing tournament.

I have to admit to only really being interested in athletics once it gets to the final stages but some of the performances here have been quite impressive.

However, today’s personal highlight is going to be the boxing. I’m pretty hopeful of some fairly high quality pugilism. I shall let you all know.

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